A bit of Indian history!
Republic day honors the date on which the Constitution of India came into force on 26 January 1950 replacing the Government of India Act (1935) as the governing document of India
Every year, a parade is held in the capital,New Delhi. This year the french president was a guest.
It was televised and it showcases India's Defence Capability, Cultural and Social Heritage.
you may have seen this on google yesterday |
Here at Amar Seva Sangham the celebration was held at assembly in the morning at the integrated school. There were performances of syncronised workouts, dancing, singing by various groupes of children. There was a flag raising and cadet march, singing the anthem and finally speaches by the direstors of Amar Seva Sangham.
This was my occasion to wear a sare in public for the first time. My Indian coming out so to speak...I consulted a you tube video to learn the tuck and wrap technique appropriate for this 6m colorful bolt of cloth.

with Ai-vi in her new sare,and Sitara (notice the cows in the backround)
Wearing a sare is like wearing a toga but with
an in skirt and a crop top. Like most women, I have added a few pins to the shoulder so the whole thing doesn't fall off me inadvertantly. I admire the elegance and grace with witch Indian woman work and play in these long gowns and I am trying to fit in. I am clearly a visible minority and curiosity in rural India. In town, people stop to take photos with us, yesterday a man even handed me his child to take a photo. The young tike was not pleased to be handed over to a stanger. Like sitting on Santa's lap for the first time ....
Every holiday is a reason for a feast so we were treated to a special meal at the barrier free dining hall.
I love eating on banana leafs ! rice, dal, chutney, papadams an sweets! |
We have been fortunate to share in two holiday celebrations in our two weeks here. Now it's back to work....
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