Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all.
Helen Keller
I am here, now.
At 3 am I was wide awake... jet lag!
The flight from Montreal to Quatar was much better than I expected. I sat with a very interesting couple on the plane. We had lots to share and the time passed quickly. I managed to sleep too. Traveling with a Roho cushion (because I had no more room in my luggage) was great for the 11 hour flight. I forgot it on the last leg of the trip and was happy to hear my name on the airport intercom in India to claim my cushion. I will miss it on the way home.
The driver who met me at the airport managed to get all my luggage and the wheelchair into his little car and we drove 3 hours (75km) through the mountains in the dark. I have never seen such a winding road.
About the driving! well being from Montreal I have seen my share of crazy drivers.... but this is very different. First of all they drive on the left, The lines on the road are absent or optional. Passing is allowed at all times even when you cannot see, that is why you have a horn. The horn seems to be the most important part of the car. Drivers honk for so many things: In my short time here I have noticed they honk as they approach intersections and at any time to indicate: I see you, I am passing you, I am here, get out of my way...
I was thrilled to meet with ''Team McGill'' and walked through the village of Ayikuty today. The highlights were shopping (more on that later) and the elephant on main street. I was amazed and excited as this enormous elephant walked towards me and brought it's trunk gently towards me, checking me out? looking for donations? The look on my face must have been priceless because I realized people were watching and smiling at my reaction.
The temple in town broadcasts its prayers from 5 till 6 am. I will go do my Yoga on the roof now as the sun is rising.
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